Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"dullstone said... Hmmm, so you think Dallas would take Denver in 6? I think den would kinda dominate that series."

Booyah! Heheh. Of course, i could still end up being wrong. But, that is all the more reason for me to rub it in now, in case this is my last chance.

Here is what i want to know about Dirk. How does someone that is 7' only weigh 85 pounds? Every time someone fouls him, he just goes flying, like he's made of rubber. There are many admirable traits about Dirk. Yet, there are just a few traits that make him always bug me and make me always root against him. I can't help it.

Game three is on saturday! What the heck it that? That isn't normal is it? 4 days until they play again?


I know this will sound like craziness, but i am actually starting to see denver as competition LA. They jsut look so good right now. Their offense has been effortless. And, their defense looks sharp. Even in the second period on gmae two. Denver was using very poor judgement on offense, and dallas was playing well. Yet, denver was still leading the whole period.

I know LA's defense is a whole different thing compared to dallas or NOH. But still, i can hope, right?

Before, i would have said it was impossible for denver to beat LA. Now, i am down grading that to just surprising.


Patrick said...

did you make a post with no title?

dullstone said...

i guess i did.

jake said...

yea denver has really surprised me with how well they are playing. they just get better and better every game.

dullstone said...

I guess it has finally been, like, two weeks, or whatever. So they are finally gonna have game three!

dullstone said...

So, did you guys think that play at the end of game 3 should have been called a foul?

Crazy game. I feel like i just sat around and watched people shoot freethrows for a couple hours.

dullstone said...

Mark Cuban is a douche. What kinda person talks shit to an old lady, completely unprovoked? A douche, that's what kind.

I have always been indifferent towards Cuban, thinking he comes with pros and cons. But now, nuh uh.

If any of you ever start shit with old ladys, unprovoked, i will become dubious of you, as well. muhahahaha.

Denver is gonna win by 25 tonight. Chauncey is gonna go the Conference finals for the 7th (one, two, three, four, five, six, SEVENth) time in a row!