Tuesday, August 28, 2007

America's Team

I've made this comment to a few of you, but I thought it worthy of a post. Why is Melo the leading scorer on this team? Is he really that good? Mark says its cause he's efficient. But the guy is getting more touches than anyone else.
Will the American team lose a game?
Are they gauranteed the gold?
This is also a shameless test of the new emailing scheme. =)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Can you save the NBA?


Ran across this article and about half way through his main topic, I wanted to grab the guy by the ears and yell in his face that Nike, Reebok, & now Adidas (& indirectly, MJ... yeah, you heard me.) started the NBA's decline. I like football but I cannot believe that it's a superior game.

About the time I almost couldn't take it anymore, he actually started learnin' me sump'un' ... 'the Sonny Vaccaro factor.' I think he made plenty of other decent points too but none of them so pertinent as, what seems like, the origin of the NBA's celebration of the ego.

(Warning: he hits on many other topics, some entertaining, some not)

First off, anyone believe the NFL is the better sport? Anyone have any other ideas about how the NFL gained such strength (or why the NBA lost so much steam after MJ)?

Secondly, anyone want to make a "capitalism itself trumps all possible unforeseen, and especially unintended, effects" arguement?

Finally, Most Importantly... Can anyone help David Stern with some grass roots, die-hard, off-Mad (Ave.) marketing genius? What changes should be wrought immediately? What approaches can be made that will take patience to see payoff (think long-term, i.e. effects of which might take 5+ years)?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A big ol Juicy topic for Jer.

What the heck are the Lakers going to do? All this talk of Jermaine O'neal really is perplexing. Especially since they are talking about giving up Odom for him. I mean, I don't know if that really is a significant upgrade. I mean, if I remember correctly, everytime the Black Mamba didn't play, Odom put up all-star numbers. I will say that Odom does not appear to be as passionate as O'neal is, but that is just appearances.

Then there's the talk about JKidd. Another one that I don't think will help much. Kidd's a great point guard, but wouldn't his talents be wasted in LA? Who's he going to pass to besides Kobe?

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is more like it......

Clearly, PHX is going to win it all

i would know. i am Nostradamus