Thursday, May 31, 2007

don't know who came up with it but 'LeBronkey Kong' is still my favorite

** SPOILER ALERT ** if you haven't seen ECFinals game 5, and planned on it, don't read any further ***

I've got to start by saying that was probably the greatest individual performance I've seen live (I missed a lot of the biggest MJ games though I've seen most since). LeBron was fantastic.

I don't even know what else to say about his performance. He took upmost advantage of every opporunity they handed to him. Nothing said should ever be taken as intended to take away anything from his performance tonight. King James, LeBronkey Kong.

That said, let me reiterate... He took upmost advantage of every opportunity they HANDED TO HIM . Without researching, I'll go out on a limb and say that Flip Saunders is the worst defensive coach to ever reach a conference finals series. It's no wonder he could never help KG out of the first round. It's no wonder Miami handed them their a$$es last year after they put up a crazy reg. season. The only defense they play must be legacy from Larry Brown's days.

They played ZONE-D for the entire 4th quarter and both OTs. Never doubled LeBron unless it was to 'press' which is meant to cause pressure & turnovers as the ball is advanced(rather than defend the basket). This was one of the absolute best one-on-one defensive teams I've ever witnessed over the past few years (granted, minus their anchor BWallace this year) and they played zone in all crunch times when LeBron was putting on a clinic on how to break the zone down... ridiculous.

I'd still love to see CLE in the finals but it's far from over. It's not going to be easy. So far it a Deja Vu of last year and all of their games (with the exception of game 7 last year) were won by 2-4 points. I hope CLE can pull it out though.

Wow... LeBron was insane.


Patrick said...

I can't put that up there with the best performances ever. Detroit's defense was deplorable. How can you let someone score 28 straight points on you. More than half we layups or dunks. Thats simply ridiculous.

However, I was amazed at some of the shots he made.

I guess it raises it up since it was a conference finals game, but it really didn't feel that special. Dunno.

jake said...

in jer's defense, he did say they HANDED it to him.
great performance nonetheless lebron knew it was ridiculous: "i willed my team to victory" ... i mean, that's some 48 pts in double OT shit so say.
of course, can these players be believed? after the same game, chauncey said "we threw everything we had at him"
towards the end, i saw some of, if not THE worst D i've ever seen from DET. should be called the Etroit Pistons after that. sorry tom.
not to mention they couldnt shoot.
they just couldnt close.
but as jer says, its far from over. we all know what DET is capable of. i hope for the spurs sake CLE pulls it off. I think DET matches up way better. if CLE wins, my predictable prediction is that SA is gonna CRUSH THEM. i'm talking sweep.

jeremy said...

right... I'm not saying he Detroit didn't give him every opportunity but how many players could have duplicated that performance given the exact same defense?

MAYBE one or two others in the league today. Kobe? DWade when he's healthy? I doubt TMac could have done it.

And what about historically?? MJ. Larry. I can't even say Magic for sure...

I don't know if you actually watched the game but regardless of Etroit's pitiful show, it was an amazing feat.

jeremy said...

Oh yeah... I say SA in 6 either way.

and... Pop is going to show the world how to guard LeBron. I think it's called 'help defense'?

Patrick said...

meh...tracy coulda done it. it just wasn't that special

dullstone said...

Been on vacation, but i'm back now.----

I think, i actually felt shame after that last game. I know, i never yelled, "F***ing Double Him!" so many times in my life.

Did Flip not tell Etroit to double him, or they they decide to ignore him? Which is worse?

All 5 gmaes have been very painful to watch.

Lebron is awesome and all, but i think getting a "choosen one" tattoo is pretty rediculous. Kids.
Another side note, Varejal is only player in the NBA i hate, has been for a couple years.

I agree that Etroit matches up much better to SA than CLE. However, if Etroit plays as clueless as they have been in this series against SA, it wouldn't really matter. A team has to take advantage of their opportunities.

In any case, we now have to be very fortunate get to the next round. If there isn't a complete return to form tonight (which is hard to expect at it is), the series is lost.

btw, pls mail all royalties for the usage of LeBronkey Kong/Bronkey Kong to me.