Thursday, May 29, 2008

real quick one

don't know if you guys saw this. we may be losing one of our best announcers. now what happens if gundy gets lured outta the booth?!

if we lose gundy AND collins, i'm only gonna be able to unmute games when hubie is around.


Patrick said...

I hope Gundy never gets another coaching job.

jeremy said...

That's f'ed up Patrick. I agree.

dullstone said...

You can listen to radio broadcasts on while you watch the game, those are mostly play-by-play. I do that sometimes:) Like when it is the Reggie/Marv combo. Yikes. But it doesn't alwasy work out. If the radio broadcast is a few seconds faster it is annoying, and i go back to tv. But if the tv broadcast is first, you can pause the game for a few seconds so that it matches up to the game. Some cities though, the local broadcaster is even more annoying.