So a lot of folks on the Radio are doing their thing were they say stuff to get a reaction. The latest hot topic is that Kobe is as good as or better than MJ. I call BS. Yet I was talking with a co-worker and he's not quite sure. So I pose the question out there. How does Kobe compare to Jordan?
Here are links to their career stats. I think people forget how good Jordan was during his prime.
If the Lakers win the championship this year, would he compare then? I say if the Lakers win the next 3 championships, then yes, he's as good as MJ.
DAMN! My next post was going to be about Kobe being compared to MJ. Reason being… this is the first year I can actually see a reasonable comparison.
There may never be another Jordan. In 30 years, memories might have faded and there may be another superstar that’s considered the greatest ever (I’d say odds are otherwise) but I think Jordan will always have a strong argument for that title no matter who owns it.
Even Kobe he wins a few more championships, he’ll never have the massive appeal Michael did. He’s too grating, seemingly cold and calculating. Even his joking around seems either contrived or his jibes may seem have too much truth in them. I love what he does for the Lakers but even I see that he’s comes off fake at times. Michael, on the other hand, had a very easy going, cool persona away from the game (best comparison right now is probably Chris Paul) – you couldn’t dislike the guy (before his comeback at least)? Kobe on the other hand can easily be disliked, even hated.
The answer to your question: Jordan.
In any situation, I’d take him over Kobe every time. Though if I picked second in a pick up game, I can’t think of a better way to match up than to go with good ole’ Black Mamba.
I typed up way too much to feel ok posting it here so if you want to read a little more (including a little ‘MJ is overrated’ talk):
I'm pretty sure if Jordan's dad didn't die, he would have won 8 championships in a row. I'll have to look at the bulls records during those two seasons; got me curious.
I read your long doc, didn't want your hard work to jsut dissappear into the netherweb(i think i just made that word up.)
How could i forget the Cavs:) Brad Daugherty, Mark Price. And i certainly remember "The Shot," which Jordan put up against Craig Ehlo. The only period of my life that i wasn't obsessed with the NBA was in college, when i didn't have television. So i remember all those dooods from that time era.
I pretty much agree with what yous are saying. Though i am not sure Jordan is overrated. But i do think Kobe has a chance to achieve that status, and we won't know until he is retired or close to.
Also, am am not convinced jordan is as personable as, say, CP3. I think Jordan came off as more personable than he was because of good looks and a charming smile. I know that was the case for isiah thomas, not that Zeke was a bad guy.
I been wondering for a while now: Why does Reggie Miller always call Kobe "triple-ocho"? Is it cause he used to be #24, and 3 multiplied by 8 is 24? If so, that is retarded.
yea i think it's a fair comparison but i also think we run into this situation pretty often:
you can never accurately compare 2 players from different eras and end up with any convincing and definitive results. (unless of course you're comparing mj to darko milicic or something, then i think you could make a pretty solid case;)
i'm sure some dude our age or a little older can make a waterproof argument that says mj was better (jer). but to a guy that grew up watching kobe do crap that jordan frankly didn't do, i think there is a legitimate stance to argue for kobe's being an almost evolved version of mj in a lot of ways. its a tough call. i mean, could mj even be as good as mj was then in today's league?
i'm not saying kobe's better, just that we will never be able to say for sure.
if its a pick up game, and i gotta pick one of em (assuming both are in their prime) i guess i'm with jer. gotta go mj.
to be honest though, just the fact that there is a serious debate about it i think speaks volumes about the black mamba's lethal nature. dude is bad.
ahhh, kobe is 24 now. i had that backwards, jsut noticed though whil watching the game. triple ocho is still silly though.
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