Friday, April 25, 2008

Tom Thibodeau: Deau'ing the Van Gundy

Anybody heard of Tom Thibodeau? Maybe one of you Rockets fans? Well… I heard someone refer to him as the Celtic’s defensive wiz the other day and that peaked my interest. I just got around to reading a little more about him. Pretty interesting. Sounds like he’s a possibility for the New York job too.

Here’s a few articles that are decent:

Rockets’ post Post-Season ’07:
Move to Boston:
Move to Boston 2:
Knicks job:,0,4802646.story

Looking at his coaching history you gotta know Van Gundy’s philosophies are paramount to him.

It also explains to me why Doc Rivers all of sudden had one of the best defensive teams in modern NBA history when I hadn’t seen any evidence he would (or could) concentrate so heavily on it before the season. I tried to find any evidence that Ainge made the hire/choice but I doubt a good organization would admit to any such thing for fear of demeaning the head coach.

Just out of curiosity I checked and the 2007-08 Boston Celtics held their opponents to an average FG% under .420 (.419). Discounting the strike year (‘98-’99) and another anomaly season (’03-’04 – first season the zone was allowed?), they’re only the 5th team since 1980 to accomplish that feat.

The other 4: 1997 Spurs, 1999 Lakers, 2000 Knicks, 2000 Spurs.


jeremy said...

I don't think anyone's found a shortcut for pasting tables here yet? If so, do tell. Otherwise, here's his resume:

jake said...

great work jer

that explains a lot.

dullstone said...

I never heard of him. Sounds good though. I'll add him to the list of potential coaches for Detroit.

My current plan is to kidnap the Spurs, and have the ransom be Pop coaches DET.

jake said...

haha good one tom

what happened to old larry for your pistons? where the heck is that guy these days? i'm sure he would be happier (and more successful) back in detroit. they seemed to work well for him.

nevermind i just read wikipedia/larry brown and :
On April 26, 2008 it was reported by Howard Eskin of 610-WIP AM in Philadelphia that Brown is to become the head coach of the Charlotte Bobcats following the firing of Sam Vincent.

so... i guess you gotta kidnap the spurs. sorry for the pointless post.

dullstone said...

I don't know he already found a team. The Jordanaires, eh? That should be interesting.

I talk about LB sometimes, cause he is a really good coach and hard nosed. But i would never have him back in Detroit. I know y'all probably don't remember this, but a bitter fan has a memory like an elepahnt.

The year after Detroit's title, we had another great run, and just missed a back2back by like a hair. Larry Brown, during either the final round or the conference finals was lining up his "dream job" with the Knicks. He was publicy talking about leaving during the time of year were everything clicking together is most important:(

Needless to say, such sentiments don't do much to benefit a team's unity and concentration. I am not in anyway saying we would ahve won if it weren't for that. I am jsut that was incredibly bad form. It wasn't that he had any problem in DET, he just always wnated to coach at the Garden, the chance was developed and he went for it.

So while i think LB is a
good coach, he is a traitor:)

Amusingly, i am not sure his NYK experience went exactly the way it went in his dreams. Muhahaha.

I was pleased to hear Flip's voice was really hoarse. At least he has been yelling at the Pistons:) Any evidence that counters his seemingly soft nature. I haven't completely given up on Flip yet, i am just really close.

dullstone said...

Hmmm, jeremy made me realize maybe i am being to hard on Flip.

While i still wonder, i guess really, without my own all-access pass to hangout with the team, i can't really know what if any blame lies with him.