95-69. That is a whoopin! And Chicago had 21 turnovers. Maybe Detroit will be someone to contend with this year.
Poor Rockets. Boozer was just too much for them. I really thought they would pull it out in the 4th quarter when they were up by four.
Can anyone else believe the shots that Utah was making in the first half? Everything was falling. They'd put up shots that bounced on the rim four or five times before falling in. And it seemed like everything Yao and Tracy shot would rim out. I almost thought something was wrong with the Rockets goal.
Utah shot 51% for the game but I remember them showing that they shot 68% for the first quarter. Sixty-Eight percent! Are you kidding me? I really do believe that Tracy might be cursed. What else would explain his inability to win a playoff series? His line for the series was basically identical to his regular season stats:
25 Pts, 5.8 Rbs, 7 Asts
The only things that were worse were his shooting percentages:
39% FG, 25% 3Pt, 74% FT
What Houston really lacks is a true point guard, like what most other borderline teams need. Maybe they could trade Alston and some draft picks for Jason Kidd or something. :)
Oh well, now I can root for the Warriors to win it all. I certainly hope they beat the crap out of Utah. I was never much for the philosophy that you should root for the team that beat your team because they deserve it for some reason. That sounds like a load of bull. I want the team that beat my team to be humilated by some other team that up until a few weeks ago I could have cared less about. That's the American way, dammit!
Here are my picks for round two:
Detroit in 5
Cleveland in 6
Spurs in 7
Warriors in 6
Poor Rockets indeed. I thought they had it, but for some reason Tracy stop going to the hole. Utah was in the penalty with 7 minutes left, and yet, he stopped driving to the hole.
I completely agree that their problem is in the point guard. Alston would be a good back up, but they need someone who can do more penetrating.
I think Detroit's got the series but to believe that Skiles will let Chicago even approach the same number of TOs is unthinkable to me. Both teams had a lot of time to sit after their first series'; that's a big advantage to creaky old vets and a big disadvantage to eager, momentum gorging youth.
As for the Rockets... even though I like a lot of Utah's team and I love the fact that they're a 'team' in the most basic sense of the word, I find myself much more angry that the Rockets lost than I could have predicted. I haven't even looked at game stats to see if they tell the story I saw but, I think, we witnessed, about 5-7 offensive rebounds by Utah in their final 3-5 possessions. That's unexusable to me - it makes me crazy. Hakeem & Mutombo could have grabbed more than Yao & whoever. I'd bet that a much higher % of playoff games (opposed to reg. seas.) are won in the final 5 minutes. How I wish there was a DB that would allow me to slice out portions of the game (like x min. before end of quarters) to see how a team functions in crunch time. I could spend hours with it.
My picks for round 2:
NJ in 7
SA in 6
Det in 6
UT in 6
Stupid detroit, they had me thinking their "cruise control" days were over. Games 4 and 5 their effort was lame. Especially tonight, especially the 2nd half. I was actually stewing there pretty good in the 4th quarter. I don't mind losing --when they play smart.
Well, closing out is always tough. And it is a lot easier for your jump shots to fall when you got nothing to lose cause your down 3-0, 3-1 (i guess). Bulls had second highest fg% for a half ever. 72%, maybe 73%, i forget. they bbetter close in chicago
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