This is the title of the ESPN/Spike Lee Documentary that premieres on espn next Saturday. Looks really cool. They spend an entire day following him. Use 30 cameras, and have him wearing mic. From the clip i saw, it looked pretty insightful.
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Watched it. liked it.
I love the Lakers, but Kobe makes me a little crazy. As the face of the Lakers, I love the fact that he's such a hard worker, that he's a pretty intelligent guy, and that he's incredibly competitive/intense. I feel like Phil has had to work pretty hard on his leadership skills though. I think his teammates respected his efforts to change during the past couple years but the final product never really cemented. He's a little too 'fake' to me. Obviously when the camera is on, that happens a little more often than normal but I still feel like the rest of the team doesn't respect his leadership as much as I'd like. What wasn't represented was his on court leadership. When he yells/screams it's still in a manner like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum rather than a leader demanding better effort, demanding improved defense & rebounding; simply demanding more. As a Lakers fan, it may seem picky (like not being thrilled when they got Gasol because of his weak defense), but I'd like Kobe to stop stomping around when things don't go his way.
i see what you are saying. I was actually thinking he looked pretty uncollected during game 2 when he was yelling at his team. Looked pretty much like what you are saying.
oh yeah. I read that Kobe ultimately demanded and got complete control for Kobe doin' Work.
And as far as the rumor mill. Spike Lee was considering making it a Duncan documentary because him and Kobe couldnt' agree on some such nonsense. I don't remember how true that seemed when i read it. The first paragraph is true though.
that crap was boring as heck. i couldn't make it to the end. from what i saw it certainly supports your views on him.
it kind of annoyed me. like, do we really need dramatic piano music between kobe's soundbites? seemed a little much to me. but i think spike lee kind of annoys me so i guess i'm biased. whatever, that shit was boring.
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