This is guy from ohio. Yet all his favorite teams are clubs that dominated, instead of home state heroes. Yankees of course, and his favorite football team is like cowboys or something.
For the nth season in a row. Cleveland failed to put guys around Lebron that are able to provide support. Lebron surely knows that that is odd. You'd think people woudl Want to play with him.
first, they had to get better than detroit. They did that. But, then boston beat them. So they got better than boston ( i 'spose), and now magic beats them.
I would think other pastures would start looking a good deal greener. Reggie is behind me now, talking about how great it was playing for a small market for 18 years. I am sure it was rewarding. But, Indiana never won it, sooo.
I guess he has another year to think it over. But if the 2nd and 3rd best scorers are Williams and West again, if next year plays out like this year, i would think him batshit crazy if he wanted to stay.