Ok... there's a number of 'ifs' in this scenario (which usually means that it ain't gonna happen) but tomorrow's games could yield a lot of fun. Current standings:

If HOU, SAN, & POR all win tomorrow (also meaning DAL, NOH, & DEN lose) there will be a 4-way tie for 2nd-5th place, giving one team home court to all but the Lakers and another a road trip in the first round... Two look to be tied in each division (for the lead). I also heard that if HOU & SAN both win tomorrow, their tiebreaker would go all the way to the 5th one! I may be dumb... but even armed with this knowledge, I'm not even sure where to start with a 4-way tie. do you compare the record of all 3 opponents?
Further, though LAL is favored, if UTA wins tonight against them, there will be a 3-way tie for 6th-8th. Again, I'm lost on the head-to-head comparison but UTA has a better Division & Conference record than NOH & DAL which, if it comes to those, would get them away from playing LAL in round 1. So... coupled with the fact that LAL could rest some players, maybe a win tonight by UTA isn't hugely unlikely.
Well, Utah lost, so that clears that up.
As far as the 4 way tie is concerned, which would only happen if Denver loses and SA and Houston wins, Houston would be 2nd, Denver would be 3rd, SA would be 4th and Portland would be 5th.
Thats because Houston has the Head to Head with Denver, a better record vs western conference playoff teams than SA, and divisional winner tie breaker with Portland.
Its so wacky!
These games tonight are freakin huge!
if only i'd seen this yesterday (all of the tie-break scenarios at the bottom):
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