is it because they are crappy coaches?
porter did what everyone was thinking was impossible-make the suns even worse at D. and he did it with the quickness too. does this mean that phx straight REFUSES to play D? i never heard of that, but i don't see another explanation.
and this other guy.. tom? what's your take here? i know the wound is still fresh, but did you (or anyone) catch that CLE-DET game the other day? SOMEbody needs to get shit-canned for that one. maybe the whole dang team. the score (cle wins by 20) is misleading... it was a supreme ass-stomping in every sense of the phrase. the only reason they only lost by 20 (yea, only!)is because CLE decided to let hickson and that other young guy run the 2nd half and DET was able to make up some ground (cle was up something like 67-34!). apparently they've lost a bunch in a row, but that one was really something. i mean, it was a coach-canning loss. seriously. if i was michael curry, i'd be working on my resume right now, and trying not to mention Detroit...
aww damn. i had a semi-long post on this thread 5-6 hours ago. Guess i fudged up.
Here is the super fast version. Curry sucks, or is at least in waaaay over is head. Everyone is to blame but iverson, pistons knew what they were getting him, but they thought stuckey would be able to run the show and get iverson his. Stuckey is not ready yet to start PG. He was doing good, but he has hit a wall big time.
The offense is running through Prince more and more, cause he is the most capable distributor-and he is smarter. While prince is alright in that role, we need a first class pg, not a capable point foward taking over the role cause none of our PGS can do it.
Well, this was gonna be a super short post, instead it is jsut a completely different post, lol. My other post was a good deal longer, but covered other points of this topic:D
So, Iverson doesn't cut it at PG? Whats the deal with him? Is he just not a team player or what? Wonder if he'll go to the hall of fame.
serious? he will go first ballot HOF for sure for sure. Look at his career stats.
Either iverson is not a player that can find concert with a team or no team has ever known how to use him. Everyone has always said he is no pg though; he just always ends up playing pg cause his teams never have a good one. His best point guard was andre miller, but he improved a bunch AFTER AI left.
I believe iverson is mentally a team player, or desires to be a team player. I just am not sure he gets how to be. So much we can never know, just being fans; but, i sometimes wonder, maybe it is just straight up a matter of intelligence.
I think about that a lot with sheed, too. Boy is dumb as all hell. If he had the meticulous mind of, oh, i don't know, bobby fisher (LOL), his game woudl be off the charts.
Anyway. Really , i feel worse for iverson than the pistons. Cause i almost feel like they using him and wasting this year of his career. Cause, it seems quite possible, as has often been discussed, that iverson was picked up mainly for his expiring contract. End of this year, rip goes back to the starting position, iverson begins again with another team and detroit hires replacements.
AI has definitely altered and sacrificed his game in detroit. He is averaging like 18 points. Waay behind his career average. He could easily average 23-24 points still. But he can't run an entire offense and make it flow.
Its not fair to blame this detroit situation on AI. Because he has come in, playing like AI. Which is all you can expect. You can't trade away billups, and then ask iverson to do everything billups did. Just like billups can't be counted on the breakdown defenses or score 30 points (that's why he's got 'mello).
damn. so yous guys just dont give an F about phx huh?
fair enough. i should've expected that..
no, i have always liked AI, and certainly respected the skills. but now i'm doubting him. how many failed teams can he be on where he's not the problem before i accept that he is the problem?
yeah, i guess i don't really give an F about PHX when i really think about it:D I did talk about them a little bit in the post i had that didn't work out.
Both those dudes were assistants last year in Detroit.
It was very interesting to see PHX have those first few 140 point games under Gentry. We'll see how it pans out. I dont' really have a lot to say on PHX. I only seen like 4-5 PHX games this year.
And i did see that DET-CLE game, well, only the first half.. I am expecting more of the same this trip, we are playing msot the best teams on it. If iverson is out, we may do a little better though (he ahd some minor injury last game, forget what).
I am definitely not denying reason for doubt in iverson. I jsut don't think detroit can lay blame on him, cause he is what he is. In iverson's 13th or 14th year the pistons knew he wouldn't suddenly become a true pg. They wanted iverson, and that is what they got.
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