What the hell was Steve Kerr thinking? Shaq is done! Marion is still throwing up crazy numbers. I just can't believe it.
On the other hand, I am happy to see Pheonix get crappier. Guess this is a good step towards balancing the conferences. All they need to do now is get Timmy over there and the finals might mean something again. Burn!
nice burn dude!
I just got home after a couple days traveling, so i kinda missed the big news.
i couldn't be more baffled as well. I can't think of any reason for this trade other than disharmony among the two teams.
While i agree pheonix could really use someone like Shaq. Shaq is not Shaq these days.
How upset was Marion in Phoenix? I heard he is happy with the trade. Other than sunshine, I can't think of one reason why someone would be happy to go to the Heat.
I guess it would be exciting to be with Pat Riley and D Wade--normally. But, yuck.
It would be interesting to see Shaq play better than he has been. Then it would seem like he was just being an asshat. I have been giving him the benefit of the doubt, thinking, that doood is jsut too old for his size. But, if he somehow somewhat returns to form, that would change the perception of him to me.
On more thing. IF i remember right, Shaq is making 20 mill a season until 2010. What is Marion's Current contract?
Unless, a team expects a great resurgence in Shaq's game, taking on his contract is like suicide. I was feeling bad for miami for being stuck with that contract for so long. They are sooo lucky, i think.
I just read an article by some ESPN guy named J.A. Adande. I never heard of him, but good stuff. Normally i feel like those espn guys are all bullshit, so this was cool.
Thats not the point though.
He reminded me of one neat thing about this trade. It combined a couple rivalries into one (bigger?) rivalry. LA vs PHeonix and KOBe vs. Shaq.
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