I know they've had one of the easiest schedules in the history of the NBA, but 19-2? Come on!
Nevermind, I just looked at their schedule. Who makes these? They've played almost nobody good yet.
Here are the 10 teams with the next best records and how many times Boston has played them this season:
SA (17-5): 0
Phoenix (17-6): 0
Orlando (17-7): 1 (lost this game)
Detroit (16-7): 0
Dallas (15-9): 0
New Orleans (14-9): 0
Toronto(14-10): 2
Lakers (13-9): 1
Golden State (13-10): 1
Utah (13-11): 0
So against the other top 5 teams in the league they are 0-1.
Well, a good test is coming up. Here are their next 11 games:
Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Orlando, Sacramento, Seattle, Utah, LAL, Houston, Memphis, Detroit
Six games against top 10 teams (and Houston should be a top 10 team if they'd ever get their heads out of their asses). Still, after all those games they have yet to play SA, Phoenix or Dallas. They must have paid top dollar for this schedule. Maybe they traded being picked first in the lottery for an easier schedule.
"They must have paid top dollar for this schedule. "
It has been a very soft schedule so far. But it will even out eventually (with other E. Conference teams at least.)
Personally, i rather a top heavy schedule, get the tough games over with, maybe not have such a rough time just before playoffs. Plus, an easy schedule at end of season helps makes runs up the seeding.
So maybe, they paid bottom-dollar.
I'm so excited for the Pistons Boston game. Time is just dragging, really can't wait.
A lot of has been made of Boston's crazy easy schedule. And, while Detroit has had a some quailty wins. Frankly their schedule has not been much tougher than Boston's.
So this is really the first huge game of the season for both teams. I know it's just Dec. but winning this game means a lot to me. Go Pistons!
Now i gota decide who are more annoying. The Espn commentating crew, or the boston crew. Both are pretty bad. Boston's play by play guy is alright, but he has a lisp. Their color guy blows. TNT once a week does not cut it.
Nice Jimi - you beat ESPN, Jalen Rose, to the punch by 2 days:
I've got to give Doc Rivers a little credit where I didn't give him much before. Though he's certainly not implemented an offensive strategy that's going to baffle opposing defenses, he understood the position he was in well enough to know that a simple basketball offense would still give him plenty of firepower as long as he could convince everyone to play D. With KG leading the way, that wasn't such a hard sell. They're avg'ing about 100 pts per game & holding their opponents to only about 85. That's phenomenal D & better than avg O.
As for 'fo real'? Sure, they're going to be a contender based only on the above but I definitely don't see them winning a Championship this year (unless the refs pull a '06 & hand it to them by calling 100 fouls on Ray Allen in the Finals) and have don't even think they'll make it out of the East.
I think a soft schedule to start a season is nothing but a good thing for a team that's still learning to play together but Doc's got to get their focus going soon.
I too am exited for tonight's game!
(Lakers rule.)
wow tom i bet you're freaking stoked. that game was awesome, if only because i got to see boston bleed.
go pistons!
i'm practicing staying up late, so i'm good for new years.
Woulda posted sooner but x-mas is always a crazy busy time for me.
But yes, i was super pumped. And frankly i thought the ending where chauncey made that guy bite his pump fake was a thing of beauty. Not anti-climatic for me:) And indicative of the whole experienced team versus new team thing.
Boston vs LA tomorrow, the 30th.
Sounds like a wonderful game. Really wish i could watch it.
I almost always cheer for east in east vs west. But i find myself pulling for LA for some reason. Even thought i love garnett and have mad respect for allen. I am prob just sick of daily Boston hype.
But if somehow it was Boston vs LA in finals i would definately go for Boston.
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