Friday, November 30, 2007

he makes it look so easy

i've said it before, and i still think it's true:
it looks like it's easier for lebron to play this game than anyone i've ever seen.


for a while i thought i was crazy, but then my friend jeremy the professional analyst said pretty much the same thing and i knew it had to be true.

anyone wanna throw rocks at me now?

anyone wanna bring up the M word?

personally, i think this picture says it all.

1 comment:

dullstone said...

I think-after a decade of Cleveland crashing and burning in the playoffs, always being completely dependent upon an unsupported Lebronky Kong-Lebron will be traded to Boston with Chris Paul and like, oh , i don't know a good third guy, i'll just say Brandon Roy. Where they can finally have a chance at a title.

In other words, I feel like Clev Cavs is kind of a crappy operation.