am i the only one that even cares?
you can't argue with numbers.
simmons says houston could do it for battier and expiring contracts. i love me some battier, but i'm just saying...
i figure the best chance of getting a response from this crowd is to pull the rockets card...
Well, the numbers might not lie, but I don't see how Marion could look at his numbers and think he deserves $20mil per. I mean, if he get's his money by being traded to some team that gives him that extension, then I guess I can say he's a savy businessman. Yet, I'm more inclined to think that he's spoiled. He makes more than anybody on that team already! And I'd rate him as the 3rd best player on that team.
Where should Marion go? Some crappy team that he can make max money for like Joe Johnson did already. Or the Lakers, but that's to spite the Lakers more than anything. I think Marion would end up hurting any team he played for. He basically wants a 5 year deal for the max. Yet He's only ever been a "sometimes" All-star. He's going to start slowing down within 2 years. Then he'll be just another overpaid Allan Houston or Steve Francis, or Mike Finley that has to be bought out.
I spit on Marion. I wouldn't trade Battier for him. The guy has the ugliest shot...evar. Plus, Houston doesn't need more egos on their team. They've got plenty already. Battier is glue. Oh yea...Battier.
i like battier too, but if you wouldn't give him up for marion, you're nuts.
ugly shot or no, he's WAY better than battier.
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